Sunday, January 28, 2007


I know I mentioned Factory45 before, but I think it;s time I gave them their own post- I noticed Liga's done something similar too- great obviously minds think alike...

Factory45 are actually a band I happened upon by chance, as I'd gone to Copenhagen the day before the guys when we were going to the big Crunchy thingy in December (which, by the way, was pretty damn fantastic, featuring, as it did, an EPO-555 performance with a heavily pregnant Camilla back in the breech for one night only, an stellar performance from Sterling, and a mind blowing Wolfkin show). I'd arranged to see a friend DJ, got horribly drunk before they arrived, and then made my way to the venue. I hadn't really expected to see anything that even vaguely impressed me (to be honest, I was more interested in drinking myself under the table and thinking of ways to pretend that wasn't heartbroken to about the current love of my life, who was arriving the next day)

Anyway. I digress. Before I go into yet another gossip-column style rant, I'll get back to the Factory45.

It was during Local Disco Star that, actually, I realised these kids (can I call them that? I have no idea whether they're younger than me or anything..) had something going on. I mean, I've been in rooms full of kids bopping (ha! That word is somewhat under-rated, I think, along with nifty).

Nitemare is a 1950s salsa lounge style tune meets 1980s vocalist with a 2000s twist (honestly, as incredulous as it sounds), Supermarkets is a funfair romp (if only my trip to my local Tesco was so grand), while Local Disco Star is a countrified anthem with a catchy indie-style chorus and a tune that will stick in your brain for days. Best of all, though, is the delicious line "..So I roamed the streets and I roamed the bars, dressed as the local disco star trying to find a girl to smoke my big cigar.." Now maybe I'm just dirty minded (and it's often been said, especially in response to Jelly Beans, Jelly Babies and 69 Tragic Love Songs...) but is there some kind of naughtiness behind the innocent facade?

Decide for yourself:

  • Nitemare
  • Local Disco Star
  • Supermarkets

    Excuse my chattiness...for some reason, Factory45 are a lot like 1234 and Charlie, Don't Surf... (who, although I haven't yet told me, were the catalyst to make me start writing this)they make me want to scream from the rooftops, and dance and sing until I fall asleep happy...

    Factory45, then. If there's any justice, they'll be more than local disco stars...

  • Myspace
  • Website
  • Saturday, January 27, 2007

    New Oliver North Boy Choir...

    Oliver North Boy Choir.

    New Demo.

    Need I say more...?

    Download it from here:

  • Cobra

  • Ok, so Stytzer got there before me (even though we got it at the same time...). Naughty me.

    Friday, January 26, 2007


    We're famous!

    Liga have linked to us

    It's official.

    We're in love with Kristian Leth

    No argument.'s enough to warm a girl's heart!

    Thursday, January 25, 2007

    Phew...there's a whole lot going on down...

    A few things before we get back to business (almost) as usual (although the post may be a few fewer, now that I have a grown up job once more...)

    Liga (the world's nicest music show) now have a blog. Go visit here , and, if you're anything like me, have fun trying to decode what the hell's going on as your Danish is so appalling. Alternatively, wow yourself with the fact that their music taste is pretty much the same as mine... BTW, if anyone does want to send anything, either email for an address, contactus via Myspace or leave a comment. I apologise to anyone I've missed lately- you have to remind me... I would suggest smoke signals, but somehow that might ot be an option...

    One or two quick shouts: Factory45 really are the cutest thing to come into my life since Charlie, Don't Surf (who deserve a huge thank you for all their help and encouragement). I managed to catch them playing the meatmarket that is Lades in December (the same night that I managed to get horribly drunk with a lot of Swedes before going to see Lasse Lyngbo for Diefenbach DJing...if you want to hear that story, though, I think you'd probably better look at my other, more secret blog when I get round to it...), but the nonsense about the template's held me up lately...

    One last thing: Ebbe Frej from EPO-555 is officially up there with my favourite people of the moment. No quibbles. Anyone who can put up with my drunken, broken-hearted slurring deserves a medal...

    One last big thanks to The Modern Way 3.0 (in Turkish), Music PL.Pt and the ever amazing Hits In The Car... Oh. One last thing- you got something to say? Do you want to contribute? Then come on in, a girl can't live on Snegle alone you know...

    On a music front, one thing you can't miss... here is Liga's little gift to us all, featuring lots of people I've meant to cover for ages (without exception) including Decorate, Decorate, Choir Of Young Believers , Heimat Connective, Beta Satan , Breum and the fabulous In Case The Japanese Guy Dies ....

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007


    I know, I know... we've been away for a while... It's not my fault. Honestly. The only problem is that Blogger have been messing around, and it;s been causing problems, and then my laptop decided to go to teh DNS server ithe sky...

    If anyone has any ideas on how to sort out a wireless DNS server, then I'll love them forever...