Friday, September 08, 2006

Leisure Alaska

If Beck came from Finland and played noise rock...

Video for "Hey There Mr"

Apologies for the lack of post yesterday- my internet connection died, and I've had to spend hours reconfiguring it... I promise y'all that normal service will be resumed...

I was intrigued by an email I received from Leisure Alaska last week about their video for "Hey Mr"... For various reasons (falling in love, trying to find a new job, other things being in the way...) it slipped to the back of my mind...until now, that it. "Hey Mr" is a truly amazing piece of film taht you really should sit and watch (several times) and then share with your friends (it's on Youtube, folks)

As for the music, my favourite song has to be the Dawn of The Replicants-esque (UK readers may remember them for the fact that they released an EP a month some years back...Their recent comeback hasn't been amazing, but I'm talking about the glory days of "Radars" and "Mary Louise") "Transistors in my mind"... As ever, though, I let you decide...

  • Transistors in my mind
  • Hey there Mr
  • Return of the Power

    If you like Leisure Alaska, go and say hi on their Myspace (worth it just for the crazy background..), or check out their website...
  • 1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    I've mentioned that video a few times in my blog as well. It's truly amazing!