Again, you'll ahave to excuse my tardiness- I'm writing this from a cafe somewhere in the brave new world... My laptop has finally died (again- can Dell really not make decent power adaptors?! That's the fourth in a year- and it's ALWAYS the adaptor...) so ..well...excuse my absence. As soon as I'm back home and I've managed to sort it out, it'll be business as usual. *sigh*
Anyway, a lot of news. PPC favourites 1234 are playing at Roskilde :) Damn. For some reason downloads are disabled on their page (does this mean they're about to sign for someone? Hm. I have absolutely no evidence to support that, BTW..)
Talking about people signing, Crunchy Frog (Oh why, does noone else feed me lovely info? I'd like it a lot..) have signed Snake and Jet's Amazing Bullitt Band (yet another band I've had a half-written post on for a while). They've been floating around the Cph scene for a while, and have been recomended by various people in that time. I have to say, though, it was entirely unexpected- normally you can smell a whiff, or you hear something on the rumour mill... All the same, though, they seem to be a welcome addition to what is already a prety damn good label- read the news here. Can't find any MP3s, but there's streaming audio of demos etc here...
Anyway, my time's running out, so I'd better say sayonara, and, if you like, see y'all at Roskilde this year (would be MORE than happy to meet any of you...haha)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Liga do it again...
Argh. I don't have more than about 2 seconds to write this, as I'm on a business trip.... I'll leave you with the third of Liga's very, very fine podcasts ( click here, or get it from itunes if you're in Dk) and tell you that it featues...
Supertroels - You Are Always
Harmony Boys - Highway Child
Kirsten Ketsjer - Eat The Cow
The Floor Is Made Of Lava - Sucker Love
Slaraffenland - Polaroids
The Sibling People - Johnny The Villain
The Late Parade - My Spies
There's at least 2 on that list I've been meaning to cover fro some time, so watch this space when I'm less indesposed...
On another point, I just bought my flights for Roskilde- it'll be my fourth. If anyone wants a moment, I'll be more than happy to scare them with my festival "look"!
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11:22 pm
people had something to say...
This is about... Liga, Podcast, Roskilde Festival
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Our friends Eclectic....
Factory 45-local disco star (live at pumpehuset)
Anyway, our friends from Factory45 have started their own blog here. It's part English/part Danish (depending on who's writing) and is well worth a look... On another Factory45 tip, they're releasing the heavenly Supermarkets as a single sometime in the future. Well worth a listen:

Sprinkled with sugar by by
3:11 am
people had something to say...
This is about... Charlie Don't Surf, Crunchy Frog, Downloads, EPO-555, Factory45, MP3, Oliver North Boy Choir, Videos
Friday, March 23, 2007
Who are you?
Ok...a little bit of a thing here.... Just who the hell are you all? I know a lot of you read this...silently, I guess, as you seem a bit scared to talk to us and send comments and emails! What do you want? What do you like? What do you hate? Who else do you read? What could we be doing better? How did you get here? Just what do hyggeligt and gemuetlichkeit really mean? How many packets of Tyrkisk Peber can anyone eat in one go without having to go to the toilet? (These are all important things to ask, dontcha know...)
We want to know about you. We love hearing from you, and we're actually really friendly. Don't believe what you've heard to the contrary. Feel free to send us stuff (email us for the address- we don't feel safe having it on the internet for various reasons)
Oh, and by the way, don't add the email address on the side to the sidebar to your Myspace. Tink was having a bit of a techy retard day when she set up the Myspace account, and had already used teh address on teb sidebar as it's her personal one. Instead, go to and add us there. Of courese, you can alwyas try to add Tink's personal one, but she tends to be a fussy fairy and doesn't add anyone. Ever. Unless she's either in love with them or they bribe her. And even then...
Methinks we should set up a Campaign to make Charlie Don't Surf play Roskilde.... Whaddya say?
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2:25 am
people had something to say...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Life just got easier...
For those of us outside Scandinavia/ the Eurozone, it appears things might just have got easier... I've just discovered the CD WOW! (choose your specific country) now stocks a lot more than it used to- they stocked a Sterling CD I was looking up! Woo!
Sprinkled with sugar by by
6:13 pm
people had something to say...