If you're still drunk from last night (like I am...)
...then this (Lars and Line from Wolfkin covering Junior Senior) should hopefully help brighten your day before you head out into the sun...
Pastries, Pepper and Canals is a lovely MP3 blog based around the best of Danish music, past, present and future, written from London. We had a club for a while too, but are too overworked to continue it for now... Unfairly overlooked by pretty much everyone in favour of its larger neighbour Sweden, here's our (free and legal- we don't host any of the MP3s, BTW...) attempt to make amends for the fact that Jantelowen is thriving within the Danish music scene...
...then this (Lars and Line from Wolfkin covering Junior Senior) should hopefully help brighten your day before you head out into the sun...
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12:40 pm
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This is about... Junior senior, Wolfkin, youtube
We've written about our lovely friends in Wolfkin a few times, but for the first time they;ve given us an MP3 to give to you all as a special present...
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9:54 pm
1 people had something to say...
This is about... Wolfkin
This might interest you all...
Low numbered vinyls 1-20 stolen!
We strike back with the alphabet and hope to gather some money to save a piece of the rainforest!
As you may have heard and read many times by now our new release Under Giant Trees is numbered and limited to 4500 cds and 1200 vinyls in total. Tony from The Leaf Label had requested from the vinyl factory that the ones numbered 1-20 where to be put in a marked box - in retrospect this proved to be a bad idea. Apparently somewhere between the factory and Leaf's UK distributor this box has been nicked by some fast running hooligans! So if you ever see these vinyls somewhere do let us know!So right now, lurking somewhere, someone thinks they have the 20 most exclusive Efterklang records in their possesion. But they can think again! Luckily for us there has been printed too many sleeves for the vinyl. So now we have made a handlettered edition. We have taken 29 vinyls from the high numbered sleeves and given them a new home in a lettered sleeve. The whole alphabet is there inclusive the three Danish extras æøå. We and Leaf have kept some of these for our personal collections and family, but via The Leaf Labels ebay page we are going to auction 10 of them! They're going to be listed on eBay, one per day for 10 days, from today (April 26). As a special bonus, each of these 10 copies will include a card signed by each of us (if anyone can be bothered). The 10 letters will be d, i, j, q, u, w, x, z, ø and å In a karma balancing exercise to make good on behalf of the thief of the first 20, we've decided to give all the proceeds from these auctions to charity, and what could be more appropriate for Under Giant Trees than supporting the dying rainforest? The money will be used to buy a piece of untouched rainforest to secure its preservation. The purchase will be made through
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4:27 pm
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This is about... Efterklang
We;re so happy...some of our fave bands are playing at Roskidle 2007...
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7:02 pm
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It's obviously going to be one of those weeks. I've written about Rumraket, but never their band Slaraffenland , until a recent conversation I had with the lovely Adam and Sara of Hometapes from whom Rumraket have licensed the recoprd within Scandinavia (It's on Hometapes elsewhere)
It always warms my heart when people care so much about what they're doing that they say great things about the people they're working with. Take this for example:
"...They are absolutely lovely people...we just had the opportunity to go on a five show mini tour in the US with them ending up at SXSW in Austin, Texas. It was so much fun...."
Maybe I'm just soft-hearted... As for Slaraffenland? Well, I'll let you make your own mind up, but, in my (humble?) opinion, they live up to what's been said. So go! Download! Now!
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6:04 am
1 people had something to say...
This is about... Hometapes, Rumracket, Slaraffenland, south by southwest
The lovely folks at the Leaf Label have given us an Efterklang MP3 to give to you all as an Easter present (by the time this goes up, it'll be post-Easter, but hey... I'm at the big old capitalist land they call the US for a little while (I go back to London tomorrow) so I apologise for the somewhat sporadic posts- it's...5 am on a Sunday, and my body thinks it's 10am...
Somehow, I don't think that Efterklang need any introduction to any of you, but I'll give you a brief spew of information anyway... In a short sentence: Efterklang are purveyors of sonic soundscapes for the masses and the geniuses (or should that be genii? I knew I should have paid more attention in latin class...) behind the Rumraket label (covered here). So there. Just download it, Ok??
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5:02 am
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This is about... Efterklang, Roskilde Festival, Rumracket, the leaf label
...but Hits in the Car was so full of great Danish stuff last month, I couldn't resist..... (hope you don't mind...)
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12:01 am
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This is about... Hits In The Car, Moi Caprice, Phonovectra, Sinai, Song To The Siren, Supertroels, Tetris=therapy, The Alpine, The William Blakes
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1:37 am
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This is about... dancing, Danish Music, Kind of Girl, MP3