Kids of the Ranch.....

I ummed and ahhhhed over including today's act, but in the end, the fact that half of the duo lives in Copenhagen (and the quality of the music) won me over. You might remember that I mentioned Kids of The Ranch briefly yesterday (during a rant of some kind...) so here's your chance to hear them....
Kid of the Ranch are a duo- Imri and Elin. Imri is currently living in Copenhagen where she goes to school in a great big castle, takes hot baths, does some video editing and writes a lot on her computer. Elin, on the other hand, is currently living on the other side of water in Malmö where she is apparently giving books to the poor and spending time in her studio/saloon making woods out of felt...
"Indie Boys are Neurotic" is a genuinely great slice of dirty garage pop , which because it includes the lines "Come to me you bad bad boy/ come to me and feel" and the chant (in skipping-rhyme style) "I might not seem like the great dominatrix/ I'm just another restless soul lost in the matrix" deserves to be on anyone's playlist..
"Sow A Seed" should have been the theme to the best 1980s Twin Peaks spin-off that never was, while "Superiority To Keep" is angular jaunty lo-fi which sounds like it's using instruments from a nursery that are being thrown down the stairs. Yes, that good...